H E L L O ,
my name is Charles (Chas) Eubanks.
I am a dynamic and resourceful software engineer committed to building fast, accessible, and elegant solutions for the web and beyond.
✉️ charles@chasengineering.devAbout Me
I am a full stack software engineer motivated to learn and grow in a challenging, ever-changing field. I strive to engineer simple, effective, & powerful solutions for users on and around the Web. I have recently been working on complex problems using Design Thinking and Human Centered Design. I was drawn to software engineering because I wanted to deepen my technical expertise, and make a career change into a highly demanded and highly challenging field, with greater opportunities for growth.
I am a member of a vibrant community in Baltimore city, and love the city’s lush green spaces and stunning waterfront views. I have one fur baby named Trevor - a black and white rescue cat. I also enjoy saying hi to all of the pets out on walks with their humans around my block.
Here are some examples of my work:
- Rijksmuseum Image Viewer
- Description: This application allows a user to search the Rijksmuseum’s collection for art based on the title of the work.
- Technologies: HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, Materialize style library, Rijksmuseum API, AJAX
- GitHub Repository
- SpeakerBox
- Description: Speakerbox puts it's users' favorite music front and center. This application allows users to save data on their favorite tracks, albums, and artists, and allows associating track data with album data via dropdown.
- Technologies: MongoDB Atlas, Mongoose, Express.JS, Node.JS, Javascript, HTML5/CSS3, Passport.JS, Auth0 with Spotify strategy
- GitHub Repository
- Habit-Zen
- Description: I worked as a member of a team for this project, along with teammates Chengo Kargbo and Diego Burgos. We created a simple yet powerful app to track daily todos and help users build positive habits (or abandon habits that aren’t working out for them anymore).
- Technologies: React.js, MongoDB, Mongoose.JS, Express.JS, Node.JS, JavaScript (ES6), HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap, JSON, Auth0 with JWT, & TheySaidSo Random Quotes API
- GitHub Repository
- Pycasso
- Description: Pycasso is a virtual platform that allows users to upload, share, and create digital art and images. Pycasso was a team effort between Jack Lambert, Manny Fuentes, and myself.
- Technologies: Python, HTML5/CSS3, Django, DTL, Javascript (ES6), PostgresQL, Gunicorn, Tachyons.io
- GitHub Repository
Reach Out!
I hope we get a chance to chat about current opportunities, or software engineering in general. Let's grow together.